First of all, it’s worth pointing out that we’re not talking about President Bruno de Carvalho.
He is a man. He makes mistakes like all men, sometimes he overdoes it, but we haven’t forgotten how Sporting was when he arrived and how Sporting is now – at all levels, starting with the financial, passing through the patrimonial and ending with the sporting.
In other words, for us, Sporting Canal, Bruno de Carvalho has done a good job (sometimes Herculean) in defending Sporting Clube de Portugal.
However, as we are neither brainless nor sheepish, and addressing the current situation of our soccer, we must mention the following:

– So wouldn’t the project for our soccer have been to make the most of the Academy by clearly betting on training, complemented by 3 or 4 players of indisputable class? Hasn’t everything been subverted?
– Shouldn’t the coach of our soccer team (whose hiring we absolutely supported) respect internal rules? Shouldn’t he work with the raw material that the club makes available to him? Whose responsibility is it for the poor use of our youngsters, for so many terrible signings and for so many “shots in the foot” in terms of communication that are already embarrassing sporting fans?

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Let’s be more specific and give some examples:
– Isn’t Ryan Gauld (a huge talent) being “burned” when he could be a great alternative for 8 or 10?
– Matheus Pereira, who has shown his enormous quality countless times, is not being promoted… Why is that?
– Wouldn’t Iuri Medeiros do much better than Markovic?
– Wouldn’t Francisco Geraldes or Wallyson do much better than Elias?
– Wouldn’t Palhinha or Zezinho (who is already out of contract) be better than Petrovic?
– Wouldn’t Daniel Podence (who had an excellent pre-season) also be a good bet for the attacking wings?
– Wouldn’t kids like Leonardo Ruiz, Ronaldo Tavares or even the very talented Pedro Marques (although he’s still very young) do better than André or Castaignos?
– João Pereira, one of the most fierce and soulful players in our team, is being sold? Why?

– Paulo Oliveira, who last season (until January) was a real “Swiss watch”, being present at all the team’s big moments up to that point, has been practically “put away”. Why?
– Lending Tobias Figueiredo to get Douglas?! What for?

Now there’s constant talk of foreign reinforcements for right-back or left-back… And Riquicho? Doesn’t he count? And Pedro Empis? Doesn’t he count? Will they have to be born 10 times?
Two very talented Angolans have just been signed – let’s hope they’re put to good use…

What’s the point of a truckload of foreign footballers who don’t identify with the club and don’t have the minimum quality required?
Of the numerous reinforcements, practically only Bas Dost – and occasionally Joel Campbell and Alan Ruiz – have shown quality. Petrovic, Elias, Meli, Markovic, Castaignos, André… all “scrap”, all people with no quality to play for Sporting.

Sporting has half a dozen footballers in the squad with quality and experience (Rui Patrício, Beto, William, Adrien, Bruno César, Bryan Ruiz, Bas Dost) who can serve as a basis for integrating youngsters with great potential (who exist!), instead of signing foreigners of dubious quality.
One of the main functions of a Sporting soccer coach is to boost the enormous quality of the players who come out of the Academy.

The B team is a disaster… So many quality players with no “game plan”, no criteria… and so many coaches who identify with our club and have proven themselves (Sá Pinto, for example) available…

Don’t they say we have the best training in the world? That we’ve trained, for example, 2 of the “best in the world”? So why not make a serious bet on who comes out of it instead of constantly looking for footballers from abroad who don’t identify with the club and, worse still, lack quality?

Sporting’s coach should be knowledgeable, tactically astute, ambitious, totally committed to the club, a good communicator and with a good image. That should be the profile.
The ideal at the moment would be to turn things around, with Jorge Jesus if possible. There are no eternal managers at clubs, but there are managers whose attitude means that they can stay at one club for a long time – Jorge Jesus doesn’t seem to be one of them.

There is one Portuguese coach that Bruno Carvalho should have permanently in his sights before he risks losing him to a rival. As a communicator, he’s the best there is. He’s excellent tactically and motivationally. He’s identified with Sporting – he was champion twice with us. He knows the “phenomenon” of training like no one else. He should, sooner or later, be the future of Sporting – and he’s a man with the characteristics to stay with us for a long time, although his thoughtfulness may “clash” a little with the more “sanguine” version of our President. That’s where Bruno de Carvalho’s intelligence and sagacity have to work at the highest level.

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